Saturday, October 15, 2016

BLM Land and a lot of wind.

We are 10 miles outside of Cedar City, Utah. 
Today it is 78 degrees in Cedar City and the lows have been in the 50s. Perfect for boondocking (dry camping).  It is gonna cool off a little though.
We are on BLM and we have stayed on BLM and forest service land for free many times before around Butte, MT.  In fact that's about your only choice if you want to go camping in the mountains there.
Well we've been out exploring again. 
Wow the BLM and Cedar county and city are ambitious.  I don't know how much this stuff gets used here but they have gone and built a blacktop runway for remote control planes.  Pretty cool!!!
There are three bicycle race tracks and we've seen lots of people on them.
There is an equestrian area for parking and penning up your horse. That's a trailhead for horses.
The county put in a campground with water, bathrooms and awnings.
There is a large folf course area too. 
And  I almost forgot there is a designated shooting range

There are a lot of Trails for us to ride RZR on too.  The one we took today was a dry creek bed, that was FUN. 
We are camped in the middle of all of this.  Today the k-9 taskforce was up here training dogs too.